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ERA Chair in Media


Interview with Research in Estonia: The future is vegetarian, and it’s coming fast


Announcements on Rajeev Bhat's appointment by the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASASC) as expert of the Project „Meat Alternatives“ in terms of the EASAC Biosciences Programme:






Press Release don't eh publishing of the book "Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science"


Toekas teos panustab toidusektori arengusse


Press release on the publishing of the book «Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges»:

Suurteos kiikab toidusektori tulevikku 


Prof. Rajeev Bhat, Guest Editor for special volume in the Journal of Food Engineering (IF 3.625):  Food Engineering Strategies for Sustainable Food Supply Chains.


A new book predicts the future of the food sector


Prof. Rajeev Bhat to deliver a keynote speech on sustainability of agri-food sector


Õppetooli juht: mul on suured plaanid, aga need kõik on teostatavad


How much money is in your trash can?


The new chair aims to reduce food waste


Maaülikool sai toidualase õppe- ja teadustöö edendamiseks 2,5 miljonit. 


Uus õppetool muudab jäätmed toodeteks. 


Maaülikool sai toidualase õppe- ja teadustöö edendamiseks 2,5 miljonit eurot.


Maaülikool hakkab tegelema toidu kõrvalsaaduste väärindamise ja zero-waste põhimõtetega


Solving the food waste problem

This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no 810630

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